Dua is a conversation with Allah, our Creator, Lord and Master, the All-Knowing, the All-Powerful. This act in itself is of extraordinary significance.
It is the most uplifting, liberating, empowering, and transforming conversation a person can ever have. We turn to Him because we know that He alone can lift our sufferings and solve our problems.
We feel relieved after describing our difficulties to our Creator. We feel empowered after having communicated with Allah. We sense His mercy all around us after talking to the Most Merciful.
We get a new commitment to follow His path for that is the only path to success. We feel blessed with each such commitment.
Here are some beautiful Islamic Dua Quotes, in beautiful pictures & text, that we can recite daily since We should turn to Allah for everything because we know that He alone can lift our sufferings and solve our problems.
Table of Contents
The best time to make Dua
Allah is always ready to hear and respond to our Duas but here are some of the best times to make Du’a:
- In the last third of the night after praying Tahajjud.
- During your sujood (prostration).
- Between the Adhan and Iqamah.
- At the end of obligatory prayers(Salah).
- When it’s raining.
- When you are traveling.
- After sending blessings on the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).
- At the time when you are having your fast.
- On the Day of Arafah.
- When you are visiting a sick person.
Islamic Dua Quotes images

Ya Allah, please make tomorrow brighter and better than today.

Ya Allah, forgive my past and change my future.

Ya Allah, accept all our Duas & keep our steadfast on Deen.

Ya Allah, make it easy & do not make it difficult. Ya Allah make it end well.

Ya Allah Make me among those who never miss Salah.

O Turner of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your deen.

Ya Allah forgive my past and change my future.

May Allah replace your sadness with something Beautiful.

Ya Allah. Grant us life that doesn’t end with regrets

Ya Allah, soften our hearts with each step we take towards You.

Ya Allah Make Jannat ul Firdausi our final destination

May Allah remove your burdens and bless you with happiness.

Ya Allah Heal our hearts & accept all our Dua’s

May you receive what you’ve been Praying for. May Allah give you the best always.

May Allah bless our parents with good health

Ya Allah, forgive my past and change my future.

May Allah make it easy for us to Obey Him in every aspect of life.

Ya Allah, replace the darkness of our life with Your light

May Allah keep us firm upon His religion

Ya Allah Please make tomorrow brighter and better than today.

Ya Allah, please reunite me with my loved ones in Jannah.

Ya Allah, Cover up my defects & change my fear into peace.

Ya Allah please accept our duas & ease our affairs

May Allah keep you safe, well, and always happy.

May our Graves be more comfortable than our beds.

Ya Allah help me to remember you & worship you in an excellent manner.

Ya Allah, heal what is hurting in me, and fix what is broken in me.

Ya Allah, grant us what we love, in the way you love.

May Allah forgive our mistakes, both knowing & unknowing.
“May Allah forgive us, Guide us, cleanse our tongues, purify our hearts, and rectify our affairs.”

Ya Allah my mother is my Jannah Please grant her your Jannah.

Ya Allah Allow the Quran to be a light & guidance for our lives.

May Allah grant you & your family peaceful & prosperous life.

May Allah accept all your prayers.

O Allah Cover up my defects & change my fear into peace.

Ya Allah, we ask for Your Pleasure and Jannah.

Ya Allah, protect us from our pride & our ego.

Ya Allah Guide Us to the straight path.
O Allah, Change me until I am someone you are pleased with.

Oh Allah I ask of you peace & faith in this world & in the hereafter.

May Allah bless you with endless happiness.

Ya Allah grant us the opportunity to visit Makkah

May Allah remove everything that keeps us away from Him.

Ya Allah, soften our hearts with each step we take towards You.

Ya Allah, remove my burdens & take away my sadness.

Ya Allah, don’t keep my heart waiting for something that will never come.

Ya Allah We ask You for good health, and good character that You may be pleased with us.

Ya Allah, grant me beautiful patience to deal with whatever trial you’ve written .

May Allah grant us all the opportunity to perform Hajj.
For more Dua images click here
Islamic Dua Quotes in text:
O Allah, Provide us with a way out from every difficulty and grant us relief from every worry.
Ya Allah! I ask for your love. And love for those who love you.
O, Allah! If it is good for me bring it my way. If it is not Please protect me from it.
Ya Allah let us enter your paradise by your mercy.
O Allah save us from the punishment of the grave.
May Allah forgive our sins, accept our Duas, and grant us the highest rank in Jannah.
O Allah, Change me until I am someone you are pleased with.
O Allah, make us successful in both, in this world and hereafter.
Ya Allah, make us among those who remember you day and Night.
O Allah, You are my Creator and Sustainer. Please shower your blessing upon me.
Ya Allah, help poor people around the world.
Ya Allah, Make strength my Imaan and accept my prayers.
May Allah answer our prayers, wipe away our tears, erase our fears, and lift us to the position we so dearly desire.
O Allah When I hurt someone, give me the sense to realize and apologize; when I have been wronged, Give me the strength to forgive.
Ya Allah! Make me how you want me to be.
May Allah remove all our sorrows; pains and calamities and make our homes an abode of happiness.
O Allah please give my Mom and Dad “Jannah.
Ya Allah; Never let me hurt anyone and always keep me humble.
Oh Allah, make me of those who are patient and obedient to you and my parents.
“Ya Allah, If you see me getting farther away from you, return me to you in a beautiful way.”
May Allah save us from the punishment of the grave.
More Islamic Dua:
O Allah, Save me from the Fitnah of Dajjal.
Ya Allah, Take me away from everything that takes me away from you.
“Ya Allah, help me to remember you, to thank you, and to perform your worship in the best manner.”
O Allah, You are most merciful and forgiving. Please save me from the punishment of the grave and the punishment of the hellfire.
Ya Allah, protect the Muslim Ummah and me against wicked oppressors. Save us from Fitnah and give us ease in our times of trial.
O Allah you are the one who pardons greatly and loves to pardon so pardon me.
Ya Allah, Please make us among those who often repent and make us among those who purify themselves.
Ya Allah, please forgive me for the wrong I have done.
O Allah, Please forgive my past and future sins, whatever I have done in secret and in public.
Ya Allah, please fill my life with happiness and success. Remove all my sorrows and fill my heart with peace and contentment.
O Allah, I know you see my tears, I know you hear my Duas. O Allah, strengthen my Imaan so I can handle the struggles in life and have patience.
May Allah give us the strength to take care of our parents the way they took care of us
O Allah, save me from hypocrisy.
Ya Allah, increase me in my love for You and Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him).
Ya Allah, forgive me and make me a better person.
O Allah, Please save us from the punishment of hell-fire and the punishment of the grave, and please make us among those who will enter Jannah without reckoning.
Bonus Dua
Ya Allah, forgive and have mercy upon my parents, as they looked after me when I was a kid and very young.
O Allah, Always remind me that your plans for me are better than my wish”
May Allah remove all pains and worries from believers and bring us everlasting happiness.
Ya Allah! Nothing is easy except what you have made easy, it is only you that can make the difficult easy, Ya Allah eases my task for me.
Ya Allah, increase me in Sadakatul Jariya work
“May Allah forgive us, Guide us, cleanse our tongues, purify our hearts, and rectify our affairs.”
O Allah relieve us from All distress, alleviate all our worries, and cure all our illnesses.
O Allah, give me strength to deal with my life.
Ya Allah, if you ever wanna take my life please make me die as a true Muslim. Make me amongst those whom you are pleased with, distant Muslim ummah from the distraction of this world, make us steadfast in our acts of worship no matter the temptation of the world with all it has, bless us with unity and good leadership, protect us from the eye of the known and unknown, and brighten our graves.
Ya Allah, Purify my intentions for your sake alone and let me not show off or take false pride. Save me from arrogance, pride, and showing off, and remind me of your favors.
Ya Allah, give our parents Good health, and long life, and keep them safe.
May Allah also grant believers a beautiful home in Jannatul Firdaws
Oh Allah, the guider of the lost soul, forgive the entire Muslim Ummah.
Ya Allah let the last words of my life be the Shahadah
And Finally, May Allah accept all your Duas.