In times of poor health, On top of seeking medical treatment, we turn to Allah with Dua for Shifa (Healing) in order to gain the strength to go on. we need to seek help from Him. It is only by Allah we can feel better, and Only He can save us from any harm.
Table of Contents
Dua for Shifa
We all get sick at one point and along with getting medical attention. We should also pray to Allah to help with our recovery by following what Prophet s.a.w. did. As he used to rub the area of the pain and recite the following dua for protection:

The following video we have made will help you learn the proper pronunciation of the Dua for healing word by word:
Allahumma Rabban-naas, azhibil-ba’s, washfi antash-Shaafi laa shifaa’a illaa shifaa’uka, shifaa’an laa yughaadiru saqamaa.
in Arabic
اللَّهُمَّ ربَّ النَّاسِ ، أَذْهِب الْبَأسَ ، واشْفِ ، أَنْتَ الشَّافي لا شِفَاءَ إِلاَّ شِفَاؤُكَ ، شِفاءً لا يُغَادِرُ سقَماً
O Allah, Lord of mankind, do away with my suffering. Heal (me) as You are the only Healer and there is no cure except that of Yours, it is that which leaves no ailment behind
Dua for Pain

Recite three times: Bismillah (In the Name of Allah) then Recite the following Dua for Pain 7 times
A’udhu bi’izzatillahi wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa ‘uhadhiru
أَعُوذُ بِعِزَّةِ اللَّهِ وَقُدْرَتِهِ مِنْ شَرِّ مَا أَجِدُ وَأُحَاذِرُ
I seek refuge with Allah and with His Power from the evil that afflicts me and that which I apprehend
Dua for Good Health

Recite the following Dua for Good Health three times in the morning and three times in the evening:
Allahumma aa-fi-nee fee ba-da-nee, Allahumma aa-fi-nee fee sam’ee, Allahumma aa-fi-nee fee ba-sa-ree, laa ‘i-laaha ‘il-laa Anta.
in Arabic
اللَّهُمَّ عافِـني في بَدَنـي ، اللّهُـمَّ عافِـني في سَمْـعي ، اللّهُـمَّ عافِـني في بَصَـري ، لا إلهَ إلاّ اللّه أَنْـتَ
O, Allah! Grant me health in my body. O, Allah! Grant me good hearing. O, Allah! Grant me good eyesight. There is no god but Thou.
Dua for Shifa when visiting the sick

As’alullahal-‘Azima Rabbal-‘Arshil-‘Azimi, an yashfiyaka
in Arabic
أَسْـأَلُ اللهَ العَـظيـم، رَبَّ العَـرْشِ العَـظيـم أَنْ يَشْفـيك
I beseech Allah the Great, the Rubb of the Great Throne, to heal you
Dua for the very sick
Aisyah r.a. reported that: Whenever Prophet s.a.w. became sick, he would recite the Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An- Nas and then blow his breath over his body

Health in Islam
Having good physical health is In Islam’s core belief.
“And spend in the way of Allah and do not throw (yourselves) with your (own) hands into destruction (by refraining). And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good.” –
Quran [2:195]
Muslims should believe that this body is not really ours to keep. We will return it to Allah one day and be held responsible for what we did with it and made it do.
The ruling is very simple and we already know the answers. But sometimes we just need a reminder, that it is forbidden to make anything harmful, or doesn’t spread goodness. That is why Cigarettes, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Pork are forbidden for this exact reason.