Allahumma la Sahla Full Dua Meaning, in Arabic and Benefits
Allahumma la Sahla is a simple yet powerful dua that our Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) taught us to recite in times of difficulty. This dua is a humble request to Allah…
A Collection of Powerful and Authentic Duas from hadith and Quran in Arabic, English and Transliteration that will surely help you in all kinds of situations.
Allahumma la Sahla is a simple yet powerful dua that our Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) taught us to recite in times of difficulty. This dua is a humble request to Allah…
Allahumma Rabban Nasi Adzhibil Ba’sa is a powerful dua that was recited by our Prophet Muhammed (ï·º) for healing and cure from any illness. Pronunciation The following video we have made…
Hasbunallahu wa Nemal Wakeel is a powerful dua that was recited by Prophets in times of fear and anxiety which can help remove any harm or any affliction that may…
Rabbir Hamhuma Kama Rabbayani Sagheera Dua is a powerful supplication Asking Allah to have mercy on your parents. The dua is found in The Holy Quran in Surah Al-isra, in the Ayat 24th…
Allahuma Rabbana Anzil Alainais a powerful Quranic Supplication that was recited by Prophet Isa (Jesus) (A.S). He recited it asking Allah for sufficient food for him and his followers. The…
Rabbana Innana Amanna Faghfir Lana is a powerful Quranic Supplication that affirms the person’s belief and asks Allah for forgiveness and protection from hellfire. The Dua is quoted from The Quran in Surah…
Rabbi Jalni Muqimas Salati Dua is a powerful supplication that Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) recited when he asked Allah to make him and his family among the best Muslims and Accept…
Ya Hayyu ya Qayyum Birahmatika Astaghitsu is a powerful dua that was recited by our beloved Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ) whenever a matter distressed him. What is special about this dua…
Rabbighfirli Waliwalidayya Dua is a powerful supplication that Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) recited when he asked Allah to forgive him and his parents on the day of judgment. along with reciting…
Bismillahi Arqika is a powerful dua for protection mainly from evil eyes, jealousy, and harm. The Dua was recited by Jibra’il (A.S) when the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was sick. Pronunciation…