Every believer should believe in Allah and know that Allah is the best planner. and when you ever question your fate asking, why me? The answer is really simple that is hidden in Allah’s wisdom.
The events that are not happening according to our choice are planned with care and love by the Best of all Planners, Allah. So here are Some reminder quotes on Allah is the best planner as follows:

In Quran:
“And Allah is the best of planners.” – [Quran, 3:54]
“They plan, and Allah plans. Surely, Allah is the Best of planners.” – [Quran, 8:30]
“Allah ˹alone˺ is sufficient ˹as an aid˺ for us and ˹He˺ is the Best Protector.” [Quran, 3:173]
“Soon you will remember what I am saying to you. And I entrust my matter with Allah. Surely, Allah has all (His) servants in sight.” – [Quran, 40:44]
In Dua:

Keep making dua & trust Allah’s Plan & Timing
“…And I entrust my matter with Allah. Surely, Allah has all (His) servants in sight.” – [Quran, 40:44]
O Allah, You are the best of planners so please guide us believers and give us the strength to trust in your plans.
Ya Allah, you are the best of planners, so forgive me when I think that my plans are better than yours.
As you are planning, Allah is also planning for you and surely Allah is the best of planners… May all our plans be in the light of the Quran and sunnah and achievable.
Allah is The Best Planner Quotes:

It’s never luck or fate. It’s Allah’s perfect plan!
Put your trust in Allah and seek guidance from him. Indeed Allah is the best of planners.
Allah’s plans are better than our dreams. So we need to obey Allah and keep ourselves ready to accept the plans of Allah.

Have Sabr Allah is The Best Planner.
When you love someone, you will take care of them But when you love Allah, He will take care of you. Alhamdulillah Allah is the best of planners so why worry.

Allah has planned it beautifully, so wait patiently
If you are a believer then don’t be dissatisfied with your situation because Allah is the best of Planners.
If something doesn’t turn out the way you planned, remember that Allah is the best of planners and He knows what’s best for you.

Allah puts people in your life for a reason and removes them from your life for a better reason. Trust in Allah. He Allah is The Best Planner.
Allah is the best of planners. He knows better what to give us and when. So we need to have patience and obey Allah.
We are busy planning our future so far ahead, that we forget that it’s already been planned by Allah. And He is the best of planners.

Allah has the best plan for us
They invest to defame Islam but end up reverting to Islam.. surely Allah is the best of planners.

Whatever happens in your life, Allah has a great plan for you.
My life goes the way Allah has planned but not the ways I have planned. Surely Allah is the best of planners. Alhamdulillah for everything.
Don’t worry, I plan, you plan, and also Allah plans for us but Allah is the best planner.

Allah’s plan is always much better than our dreams
When someone hurts you leave them to Allah He (Allah) is the best of planners.
Faith is trusting Allah even when you don’t understand His plan. And Allah is The Best Planner
“Allah has a plan. A plan far greater than you can imagine. Stop worrying, stop stressing, and trust Him!” – Dr. Bilal Philips

Allah has the best plan for us.
Sometimes what you want, isn’t what’s best for you. Allah is the best of planners, so trust His decision, be patient & say Alhamdulillah.
Never become downhearted by your disappointments, Allah is the best of planners. Never lose hope.
If things are happening according to your wish, you are lucky, but if they are not, you are very lucky, because they are happening according to Allah’s wish. Indeed Allah is the best of planners.

Allah will make everything beautiful at the right place, at the right time, for the best reason. ALLAH is the best of Planners.
Life may not be going the way you planned it, but it’s going exactly the way Allah planned it. Surely Allah is the Best of Planners so be patient and keep praying.
Allah will never disappoint the sincere believer. Even when you think He hasn’t answered you, He plans in your favor. Indeed, Allah is the best of planners.

Believe that Allah has a better plan for you.
Just because the answer wasn’t “yes” doesn’t mean Allah didn’t answer your prayer…Trust in Allah, his plan is much better than ours. We plan, and Allah plans. Surely, Allah is the Best of planners.”