Hijab is a beautiful and intricate fabric worn with the intention of covering one’s face, head, or body. It is a spiritual representation of modesty in Islam and protects from bad eyes. Women choose to wear it for many different reasons and it comes in so many different forms, patterns, and details.
It is mentioned several times in the Quran. The hijab means something different for every woman while being a way to represent their Muslim identity. Some uninformed people are misled as they think it is a sign of oppression against women, but it’s not true.
So we collected some Inspiring Hijab Quotes & Captions in English with images that would make you proud of the Hijab you are wearing, and motivate you to start wearing it if you haven’t already
Hijab Quotes in English

Hijab is beautiful, so make it look beautiful, wear it with love, wear it with pride, and most of all wear it right.
Hijab makes a girl more graceful.

Wearing Hijab is not an Arab tradition, it’s a command from Allah
It is not the cloth that oppresses the women, it is the illiterate mind.
Be like a diamond precious & rare. Not like a stone found everywhere.

By wearing the Hijab I’m not declaring “I’m Islam”, but rather “I’m Muslim”
Yes, I’m Muslim and the hijab is my identity.
Hijab isn’t just what you’re wearing
My body was created to pray not to market cars and alcohol. I love my Hijab.

Hijab is not about Oppression but freedom from evil eyes.
Modest dress plays a key role in the purification of the soul & deep inner contentment.
You are a modest queen, that knows her true worth by keeping her modest heart secure with shyness.
My Hijab is my dignity, my respect, and my honor, and I will never trade it for this temporary world.
A hijab forces the man to look at a woman with respect rather than as an object.

Hijab is not just what you are wearing but it is also what you do and says it is who you are.
Keep your light just for your Spouse.
All Praises be to ALLAH who guided me to wear Hijab
Hijab is the veil that has to be drawn over our body. our behavior and our speech.
You may not be a fairytale princess but you are always a princess of Islam.

Be Different.
The Muslim Women is Clothed in Strength & Dignity. She Trust in Allah & Smiles without fear of the future.
Hijab is my Beauty and I wear it to please my Allah.
Clothe yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.
If a Woman has the right to show off what she has, then she also has the right to cover it up too.

It’s not just a Hijab it is our Key to Jannah.
“How can hijab be oppressive when in most of the countries it requires greater courage to wear it than to remove it yet it is worn?” – Mufti Menk.
Modesty Comes in More Than Just Our Physical Appearance. Our Entire Bodies, personalities, and thoughts Should Emanate Modesty.
We live in a world where some women are being paid to get naked whilst others get fined for being covered!
The sun doesn’t lose its beauty when covered by clouds. In the same way, your beauty doesn’t fade when being covered by Hijab.

To All Hijabis Who are wearing Hijab in heat, May Allah shade you on the day that there will be no shade except Allah’s shade.
Your Hijab is a barrier that blocks so much negativity coming your way.
They say the Sunnah doesn’t fit into society they don’t understand we weren’t made for society. we were made for Jannah.
Funny how people mock Islamic dress codes. yet on graduation day, they all wear clothes similar to a jubbah to look modest and successful.
Don’t sacrifice your beauty just for compliments and a few Instagram likes, because on the day of judgment, nobody will even look at you twice.

Keep your beAUTY IN your Faith, not your Face.
Our hijab is our Strength and our obedience to Allah.
In this age of nudity, the more you reveal the cheaper you are regarded, even if the world makes you feel you are liberated.
Modesty is the best jewel of a Woman – Fatima Al Zahra (SA)
Muslim girls have their own crown, it’s called the hijab.

Your Hijab is forcing men to look deeper into who you really are.
Seek respect, not attention.
“If Modernism is being naked then animals are more modern than humans.” –Dr Zakir Naik
Modest dress plays a key role in the purification of the soul & deep inner contentment.
It is better to lose something for the almighty than to lose the almighty for something.
Where do you find diamonds? Deep down in the ground, covered and protected.

I don’t care what others think. I wear my Hijab for the sake of Allah.
One day you will all be covered from head to toe. “Don’t let your last day on earth be the first day you wear hijab!
Modesty is the best jewel of a woman.
Everything precious is covered!!! A woman modestly dressed is like a pearl in its shell.

Take a pride in Modesty.
A hijab does not cover up a girl’s weakness, rather it shows her strength.
Hijab is not only for the perfect ones. Hijab is also for the ones with flaws, who tell the world that they are trying.
Hijab is the blessing of Allah and a gift to a woman.

Every time you wear the Hijab, Remember you are wearing an ayah of the Quran.
People say, your hijab is going to close a lot of doors in your life. Muslimah says; Yes, especially the doors of hell.
How beautiful to remain a mystery in a world of people who have nothing left to hide.
Judge me by what’s in my head not what’s on my head!

Hijab is not only about fashion, it is about faith.
Beauty is complete when hearts are pure.
So what if their beauty is a topic in magazines? Your modesty is a topic in the Quran!
It’s never late to become a better Muslimah.
Hijab is the beauty of every Muslim woman.