Malaysian Prime Minister said Trump’s Middle East Plan “utterly unacceptable“ and “grossly unjust.”

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said the proposed Israel-Palestine peace deal that was announced by U.S. President Donald Trump is “utterly unacceptable“ and “grossly unjust.”

The plan, dubbed the “Deal of the Century” by Trump, hands the holy city of Jerusalem on a silver platter to Israel in absolute disregard for the feelings of millions of Muslims and Christians worldwide, Mahathir said in a speech in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday.

“As recent as Jan 7,2020, Israel has approved the construction of nearly 2,000 new settler homes on Palestinian territories, as mentioned by Peace Now, an anti-settlement watchdog group. Never in the history of nations have countries built settlements in other countries and claim the right to own them.

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“This is a form of conquest based on the strength of a bully.”

“This deal will only bring more conflict to the region, and will antagonize billions of people around the world,” Mahathir said at the third conference of The League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds.

“We are duty-bound and this responsibility is further amplified when powerful nations that had styled themselves as the defender of justice and freedom choose to be silent while the atrocities are being committed.

“In other words, if we too choose to be silent, the blood from the murders and killings of the Palestinians by the Israelis is on our hands as well,” said Dr Mahathir.

Trump unveiled his proposal at a White House event last month alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Palestinian officials weren’t consulted on the proposal. The White House approach leading to the plan has long been criticized internationally for providing Israel with quick wins while making concessions to the Palestinians contingent on a list of milestone

Trump’s actions since taking office — including moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing Israeli sovereignty of the Golan Heights — has largely benefited Israel while giving little to the Palestinians, who said the U.S. had given up its decades-long role as a credible mediator in the peace process.

Mahathir, the world’s oldest government head at 94 years old, has for decades been accused of anti-semitism for his criticism and attacks on Jews, whom he has accused of perpetrating a humanitarian crisis in the Palestinian territories and creating conflict in the Middle East.

In 2003, Mahathir provoked international outrage when he said Jews “rule the world by proxy” and “they get others to fight and die for them.” He later said his words were distorted by the media