Islam is a religion that teaches us peace, love, brotherhood, equality, humanity, way of life, justice, tolerance, and most important thing Islam is against racism and removes racism from its society.
If anyone is committing violence in the name of religion then it should be obvious that he is deviant and violating the teaching of Islam.
But these days this is very unfortunate that when a violent act is done by a person who is having Muslim type name the media and some hypocritical people link that violence and that person with Islam and try to find information that where he was radicalized and they do their best to spread hatred, lies, and propaganda against Muslims and Islam.
On the internet, islamophobic have filled it with anti-Islam content by doing a wrong interpretation of Islam and they try to prove that Islam is not a religion of peace.
That is why we want to share Some Quotes & Sayings on Islam as a religion of peace as follows:

Quotes by known figures:
“A believer remains within the scope of his religion as long as he doesn’t kill another person illegally.” – Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).
“Be righteous and act justly towards those who worship another God.” – [Quran, 60:8]
“There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion.”- [Quran, 2:256]
“Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to mankind” (Sahih Bukhari-7376)
“Islam is a religion of peace.” – Barack Obama
“Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.” – Hillary Clinton
“Islam is a religion of peace which is based on the teaching of love peace and compassion.” – George W. Bush
“Quran is a book of peace and Islam is a peaceful religion.” – Pope
Islam is a Religion of Peace Quotes:
Islam is a religion of peace. And Allah loves not those who seek to create disorder.
We shouldn’t have blind eyes when terrorist acts are done by non-Muslims. Terrorism has no race and no religion. Islam is a religion of peace. Good and bad people are in each and every community.
Islam is a religion of peace and rejects all acts of terrorism. In fact, The Holy Quran forbids Muslims from creating disorder in the world.
Terrorism has no religion, no race. Islam indeed is a religion of peace and stands against terrorism.
Islam is a religion of peace. Islam strongly condemns terrorism and Muslims are against terrorism.
Islam spreads Peace, Mercy, and Kindness. There is absolutely no space for Terrorism. To study Islam read the Quran and hadith (Sunnah).
Praise and preach your religion but don’t say anything bad about the religion of others. Islam is a religion of peace.
Islam is a religion of peace and rejects all forms of terrorism and extremism.
Every community has good and bad people. Killing innocent people in the name of religion is a heinous crime and an act of terrorism. Love humanity & spread peace Islam is a religion of peace.