Fajr is the first salah (Prayer) of the 5 obligatory prayers that a Muslim should perform every day. It is the salah that our prophet Muhammed (ﷺ) said about it: “Whoever offers the morning prayer, he is under the protection of Allah, the Mighty and Sublime.” [Sahih]
Although it may be challenging for some to perform the Fajr prayer because it must be performed before sunrise, it’s definitely worth it. So here are some inspiring Fajr Quotes to motivate you to perform Fajr Salah.
Fajr Prayer (namaz) Quotes

A successful day starts with Fajr & Quran
Fajr prayer is the test of your commitment to Allah.

No matter how strong you are, you are still considered weak when you can’t lift your blanket for Fajr.
Life is too short don’t miss fajr prayer.

Fajr prayer is the best way to start your day
Maintaining Salah (Namaz) is not just from Jumma to Jumma but it is fajr to isha every day.

Happiness is Waking up for Fajr without an alarm
A day that starts with fajr prayer is a day worth living.

When you wake up with no other intention but to worship Allah, you have found the purpose of life.
Waking up for fajr salah (Namaz)is indeed a blessing from Allah. May Allah make us among those who rise and pray Fajr easily and consistently.

Waking up for fajr is the best way to start healing yourself
“Two Rakats of fajr are better than the world and all it contains.” – [Muslim]

Every morning is beautiful when we talk to Allah first.
O Allah, Grant us the sweetness of praying Fajr.

Fajr is Your first victory of the day against the shaitan.
Fajr prayer makes successful the day otherwise the day is lost before it starts.

It’s not your alarm clock that wakes you up for Fajr, it’s your Imaan.
“We live in a society where we wake up our children for school but not Fajr prayer!” – Nouman Ali khan

Do you want to have the best day? then start with Fajr.

Fajr prayer will bless your entire day with barakah and noor.
Fajr is a blessed time when the believers are awake seeking success, whilst others are asleep simply dreaming of success.

Fajr is a chance to judge yourself on How close you are to Allah, How much do you want Jannah?
Don’t underestimate yourself, keep yourself stronger than shaytan, and pray fajr.

Millions are called but only a few answer.
Whoever prays Fajr prayer is under the protection of Allah

Never Miss Fajr, The dawn prayer

May Allah give us the strength to always wake up for Fajr

The door to the mercy of Allah is to wake up for Fajr

Wake up from the dream of this life and go meet your lord in the fajr Prayer
No morning is ever good morning without praying Fajr.

Fajr is for those who really want to be successful

Want to have the best day? Then start it with fajr

Fajr your day will brighten even before the sun does