When Muslims say “Inshallah”, they are discussing an event that will take place in the future. The Quran reminds believers that nothing happens except by Allah’s will, so we cannot be truly sure that a given event will or will not happen.
Muslims believe that it is unrealistic of us to promise or insist that something will happen when in reality we have no control over what the future holds. There may always be circumstances beyond our control that get in the way of our plans, and Allah is the ultimate planner.
The use of the phrase “Inshallah” is part of Muslim culture and practice, and believers are raised with the phrase constantly on their lips.
Table of content
The following video we have made will help you learn the proper pronunciation word by word:
Inshallah Meaning
The literal meaning of inshallah is If Allah wills, it will happen, Alternate spellings include Insha’Allah and inchallah. An example would be, “We will meet tomorrow, Inshallah .”
Some Muslims in some situations use this particular Islamic phrase, “insha’Allah,” to get out of doing something as a polite way of saying no when a person wishes to decline an invitation or bow out of a commitment but is too polite to say so. If one does not later follow through on a social commitment, for example, you can always say it was Allah’s will.
And unfortunately, it is also true that a person who is insincere from the start may brush a situation off by uttering the phrase. Such persons use “insha’Allah” casually or ironically, with the unspoken implication that the event will never happen. This allows them to shift the blame and say It wasn’t God’s will, anyway.”
However, the use of the phrase”Insha’Allah” is fixed in the Quran, and this is not taken lightly by Muslims. When you hear the phrase, it is best to interpret it as an expression of a person’s sincere intention as well as their approval of the will of Allah.
Inshallah in Arabic
Although it is spelled as one word, The phrase inshallah in Arabic consists of 3 words which are written in Arabic with the Diacritical as:
إنْ شاء الله
and Without the Diacritical:
إن شاء الله
and can be divided as the following table:
In | إنْ | If |
Sha | شاء | Well |
Allah | الله | God |
When to say InshaAllah
There is a variety of situations where Inshallah is often used such as:
When making future plans:
It is commonly used when discussing plans for the future, as a way to acknowledge that the outcome of the event is ultimately in Allah’s hands.
Example: Next year I will perform Hajj InshaAllah
When giving a promise
When making a promise, A person can say it to indicate their intention to keep their word, but with an acknowledgment that it is up to Allah.
Example: We will meet tomorrow as we agreed. InshaAllah
When expressing hope
It can also be used when expressing hope for the future like if someone is hoping to get a new job or the weather will be better or hoping the current situation to improve.
Example: “The economical situation will end soon, Inshallah.”
InshaAllah Origin
It was narrated from Ibn ‘Umar that the Messenger of Allah said:”Whoever swears an oath and says, ‘If Allah wills,’ then he has the choice: If he wishes, he may go ahead, and if he wishes he may not.”
Sunan an-Nasa’i 3830
Inshallah Quotes

The situations that look impossible Allah will make a way out

Whatever happens in your life, Allah has a great plan for you.

Be strong and patient. Your next tears will Be the tears of joy.

Just wait & see, your Blessings are on the way Insha AllahJust wait & see, your Blessings are on the way InshAllah.

You can go through this tough life if your relationship with Allah is good.

Waiting is not wasting, what’s yours will be yours on its perfect time.

Inshaa Allah Jannah will be our final home.

Inshallah, Your next tears will be tears of joy.

Better days are coming InshaAllah

These hard days will end soon Insha Allah.