Sabr is not just the ability to wait, it’s the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.
Sabr is not just the ability to wait, it’s the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.
Sabr is not just the ability to wait, it’s the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.
Sometimes Sabr is hard but we have to keep going.
Having Sabr isn’t easy but it’ll all be worth it.
Always remember that Allah tests those who He loves
When one door closes, Allah always opens another one.
Pray and have Sabr, Dua changes Qadr.
Sabr teaches you not to break when you’ve been bent
Never leave your Salah for anything, that is your key to Jannah.
Sabr is To be happy with whatever Allah has given to you
Sabr, No matter how bad you have it, someone out there has it worse.