O Allah, let us be forever thankful for whatever favors You’ve bestowed upon us.

O Allah, let us be forever thankful for whatever favors You’ve bestowed upon us.
O Allah, let us be forever thankful for whatever favors You’ve bestowed upon us.
“And whoever Allah guides, none can lead astray.”
Leave it all in Allah’s hands. If it’s good for you, it will come to you.
Ya Allāh, do not leave for us a sin except that You forgive it.
“This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah.”
Allah may delay beautiful things to make them more beautiful.
Trust and believe in Allah He will always show you the way.
Let the love of Allah be greater than any other love.
’Whoever comes with one good act shall have (the reward) of ten times the like of it.′
Sabr, On your bad days. Shukr, On your good days. Alhamdulillah for everything.