Eid Mubarak to all the Muslims around the world ❤

Eid Mubarak to all the Muslims around the world ❤
Eid Mubarak to all the Muslims around the world ❤
May your Home and Heart be filled with the joyful spirit of Eid. Eid Mubarak to all the Muslims around the world
May this Eid bring happiness, joy, Allah’s blessings, and love. Eid Mubarak
May this Eid bring Peace, Prosperity, and Happiness to You and your Family
May this Eid bring peace, joy, and happiness to your life. Eid Mubarak
“Our Lord! In You we place our trust, unto You we turn (in repentance), and unto You is the Final Destination.”
The only real rest comes when you are alone with your LORD in Tahjjud
Ya Allah, invite us to Your House
May Allah grant us all to see the beauty of Makkah
I am truly at my highest when I am in sujood