Alhamdulillah for the biggest blessing in my life that I am Muslim.

Alhamdulillah for the biggest blessing in my life that I am Muslim.
Alhamdulillah for the biggest blessing in my life that I am Muslim.
Happy Hijri new year 1444. May Allah brings this year upon us with security and faith, safety and Islam, protection from Shaytaan, and with Your Pleasure.
May the next year be full of Blessings & Happiness
The day you lose hope in Allah’s mercy is the day shaytan has won.
Take one step towards Allah & He will pull you towards Him.
Make Dua & leave everything to Allah.
Allah has given you time, use it in a way that pleases Him.
Depend on people & they will hurt you.Depend on Allah & He will elevate you
Nothing is impossible when you have faith in Allah.
May Allah make Jannatul Firdaus your final destination