Ya Allah grant us Your mercy Your guidance Your blessings & Your forgiveness12/07/2022 Ya Allah grant us Your mercy Your guidance Your blessings & Your forgiveness Related:"Our Lord, grant us from Yourself…"Our Lord, grant us from Yourself…“Our Lord, grant us from Yourself… Tags# dua Related Posts Whatever Allah takes away, He brings it back ten times better. 06/11/2024 Life is colorful when we fill our hearts with Allah 06/11/2024 “Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest” 05/11/2024 Tahajjud is the solution to your struggles. Tell Allah, cry to Him. 04/11/2024 ”Do not mix truth with falsehood or hide the truth knowingly.” 04/11/2024 Give Allah your heart if you don’t want it to be broken. 03/11/2024