Tahajud is A prayer that a person performs not for his own sake but for the love of Allah
Tahajud is A prayer that a person performs not for his own sake but for the love of Allah
Tahajud is A prayer that a person performs not for his own sake but for the love of Allah
When you can’t change something, Increase your dua with Tahajjud
Tahajjud prayer is the best midnight’s obsession
You cannot get up for tahajjud unless Allah has invited you.
The distance between your dreams and reality is called “Tahajjud”
Tahajud will protect you, heal you, and save you
Pray Tahajjud, If you really want something, ask from the heart.
The only real rest comes when you are alone with your LORD in Tahjjud
Tahajjud Prayer is an ultimate happiness
You cannot get up for tahajjud unless Allah has invited you.