May Allah grant us success in all the things we are striving hard to get.

May Allah grant us success in all the things we are striving hard to get.
May Allah grant us success in all the things we are striving hard to get.
May Allah grant us what is good for us.
May Allah accept your Dua’s & turn your Dreams into reality.
Ya Allah, Unite us with our loved ones in Jannat ul Firdaus
Last Friday of this Ramadan. O Allah, accept all my prayers, my fasts, and let them be the light to my soul that carries me through the gates of paradise.
RAMADAN + FRIDAY May Allah turn your painful tears into tears of joy
May all your In Sha Allah’s turn into Alhamdulliah
Friday, May Allah shower his blessings upon us
Ya Allah allow us to reach Ramadan in good health.
May Allah forgive our sins & accept our good deeds