Ya Allah answer our secret prayers grant Shifaa for our ill ones.
Ya Allah answer our secret prayers grant Shifaa for our ill ones& have mercy upon whom we’ve lost
Ya Allah answer our secret prayers grant Shifaa for our ill ones& have mercy upon whom we’ve lost
Allah loves those who constantly repent
Allah has revealed many Dua we can recite that aim to provide protection for all kinds of situations. So will provide here some Dua for different kinds of protection like…
O Allah, help us to remember You often & fill our hearts with Your love.
Meals are an important time to realize how lucky we are to have enough to eat and thank Allah. Reciting dua before eating and after eating is one of the…
Ya Allah Don’t let this world be our greatest concern
In times of poor health, On top of seeking medical treatment, we turn to Allah with Dua for Shifa (Healing) in order to gain the strength to go on. we…
Nothing is more painful than missing a prayer
A heavy heart has nowhere to go except to its Creator. Ya Allāh, grant us Peace of mind.
All religions and all societies have given parents an honorable status. Even the Quran provides Dua for parents. Our parents have sacrificed so much to raise us. The beauty of parental…