Overthinking will kill your peace. Pray and leave it in Allah’s hands.

Overthinking will kill your peace. Pray and leave it in Allah’s hands.
Overthinking will kill your peace. Pray and leave it in Allah’s hands.
There is nothing Allah can’t fix. Just have Sabr.
Tahajjud and Istighfar, wors like a miracle.
Be so confident in Allah’s plan that you don’t get upset when things don’t go your way.
May Allah provide for you from places you could never imagine.
May Allah grant us unshakable trust in His plan and contentment in His decree.
“Allah has already set a destiny for everything.”
In Jannah Are Things an Eye Has Never Seen, An Ear Has Never Heard, And a Mind Can Never Imagine
Turn every challenge into an opportunity to grow closer to Allah.
When a door closes, be patient and trust in Allah; He will open the right doors for you.