“If you count the favors of the Almighty, you will never enumerate them.”

“If you count the favors of the Almighty, you will never enumerate them.”
“If you count the favors of the Almighty, you will never enumerate them.”
Ya Allah empty my heart of distractions which veils me from you,
Never worry & have Faith your destiny is in the hands of Allah.
Allah will accept your Dua. Keep your faith and do not despair.
No one can harm you when you are under Allah’s protection
Who am I to question Allah, He created this universe & I exist because of Him
“Our Lord, grant us from Yourself mercy and prepare for us from our affair right guidance.”
When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you.
If you’re lost, go back to Allah & focus on your deen.
Dua’s are very powerful; they are conversations between you and Allah.