This Duniya will break your heart, and Allah will heal it every time.

This Duniya will break your heart, and Allah will heal it every time.
This Duniya will break your heart, and Allah will heal it every time.
Give love in secret by praying for one another
You can talk to Allah about anything, He’s always listening.
Ya Allah, if I have hurt others, give me the courage to apologize.
“Our Lord! In You we place our trust, unto You we turn (in repentance), and unto You is the Final Destination.”
There is no power and no strength except with Allah.
For what was written for us was written by the greatest of Writers.
Allah never promised us an easy journey, but a safe arrival.
90 days until Ramadan. O Allah, Allow us to reach Ramadan
“That is Allah, my Lord; upon Him, I have relied, and to Him I turn back. “