Last 10 days are here. It’s time for more Sujoods, Quran, and Istighfar

Last 10 days are here. It’s time for more Sujoods, Quran, and Istighfar
Last 10 days are here. It’s time for more Sujoods, Quran, and Istighfar
Life without Allah is meaningless
May Allah replace all our Sadness with something Beautiful.
InshaAllah all your duas will be accepted
Take care of your prayers, because one of them will be your last
Just wait and see, your blessings are on the way.
Tahajjud Prayer is a Magical treatment for depression and anxiety
Don’t stop making any Dua thinking it’s impossible, nothing is impossible for Allah
Alhamdulillah for the chances to be able to ask for forgiveness.
Ya Allah, Forgive our sins and save us from the fire of Jahannam