Imagine you Dua getting answered in Ramadan

Imagine you Dua getting answered in Ramadan
Imagine you Dua getting answered in Ramadan
What to do in Ramadan
Allah never expect us to be perfect during Ramadan, But He expect us to keep Trying.
Ramadan is about loosing sins not weight
I Pray this Ramadan our relationship gets better with Allah
May Allah accept your fasting and prayers, Forgive all your sins, and Shower His blessing upon You. Ameen🤲
Feed your soul with Tarawih, Dhikr, Quran & Tahajjud.
Last Day before Ramadan. Forgive Everyone & Start Ramadan with a Pure Heart. Jummah
May we all reach Ramadan in Good Health. Last Jummah before Ramadan
Appreciate what you have before time forces you to appreciate what you lost.