Tawakul means having complete trust in Allah

Tawakul means having complete trust in Allah even when things seem impossible.
Tawakul means having complete trust in Allah even when things seem impossible.
Be patient everything will come to you at the right time. In’sha’Allah
May Allah ï·» Protect us and Grant us Victory and Peace. Jummah Mubarak
When your day starts and ends with Allah, everything in between seems to work out
Ya Allah take me away from the sins that take me away from You,
Have sabr, your time to be happy is coming.
Allah doesn’t send us the people we want, Allah sends us the people we need.
Astaghfirullah, for every time I was ungrateful.
Oh Allah I have wronged myself, there’s none except you to forgive and purify me.
Alhamdulillah for another chance to make today a better yesterday.