The heart prays for their desires, but Allah responds with what is better for them.

The heart prays for their desires, but Allah responds with what is better for them.
The heart prays for their desires, but Allah responds with what is better for them.
Istighfar makes a way out from difficulties, opens closed doors, resolves problems and increases in rizq.
Allah knows everything, keep Tawakkul
“Allah is your protector, and He is the best of helpers.”
“Do not be afraid, I am with you all the time, listening and seeing.”
Rizq is not always money, it is also a pious Wife/husband who cares for you.
May Allah grant all our mothers Janatul Firdous.
Allah beautifully plans your life. Keep turning each page with prayer and faith.
May Allah Ease our pain and suffering and Protect us. Jummah
Ya Allah forgive me for my weaknesses & shortcomings.