If ALLAH has written something for you, no one can steal it from you.

If ALLAH has written something for you, no one can steal it from you.
If ALLAH has written something for you, no one can steal it from you.
Trust on ALLAH, He will never Disappoint you.
Allah Loves Those WhoAre Patient.Do Good.Put Their Trust In Him.Purify Themselves.Are Constantly Repentant.
Hearts are fragile, handle them with Zikr, Salah, Qur’an, Sabr & Dua.
Don’t be sad, Allah will provide a way soon Insha Allah
The one who created the difficult path has also created the Strength in you to overcome it. Trust Him.
Allah may not answer your dua in the way you want, but He’ll always answer in the best way that you need.
Don’t lose hope. Even if there’s a mountain in your path. Make Dua to the One who created the mountain.
May Allah shower His endless blessings on all of us.
if you have Allah, you have everything