O Allah, bless us in Rajab & Sha`ban and allow us to reach Ramadan
O Allah, bless us in Rajab & Sha`ban and allow us to reach Ramadan
O Allah, bless us in Rajab & Sha`ban and allow us to reach Ramadan
Ya Allah, soften our hearts with each step we take towards You.
Tawakul is having faith that Allah will take care of you, even when things look impossible.
When things are too hard to handle count your blessings instead
Dua and Sabr…that’s all you need.
counting your blessings even in the darkest times can be the source of your peace and comfort.
Sabr isn’t easy, but the reward is Jannah.
Allah in mind keeps you strong. Allah in heart keeps you humble. Allah in life keeps you happy.
May Allah reunite us with our loved ones in Jannah.
Trust Allah to open the right door for you at the right time.