“I am leaving soon take care of your Iman“ Ramadan

“I am leaving soon take care of your Iman“ Ramadan
“I am leaving soon take care of your Iman“ Ramadan
Ya Allah Cover up my defects & change my fear into peace.
May your Dua be accepted on Laylat Al-Qadr & Wait for a Miracle to happen.
I’m holding on because Allah is my hope.
Ya Allah Enlighten our lives with the light of the Qur’an.
The best cure for worry is to surrender it to Allah ï·»
O Allah You are most forgiving, You love to forgive, so forgive me
Nothing is more calming and relaxing than the Quran
When Allah is accepting du’as on Laylatul-Qadr, may yours be one of them.
A hand lifted to Allah is never returned empty