Trust in Allah + Har dwork = Big success.
Trust in Allah + hard work = Big success.
Trust in Allah + hard work = Big success.
Pray tahajjud , Allah is waiting to hear you.
Be patient everything will come to you at the right time. In’sha’Allah
Ya Allah Remove from my heart the love of anything that You do not love.
“My success is only by Allah”
May Allah Keep us safe until Ramadan & keep Ramadan safe for us. Jummah
“They plan, and Allah plans. Surely, Allah is the best of planners.”
Alhamdulillah for I’m still alive. I’m still healthy. I’m still Blessed.
Prayer isn’t for Allah. It’s for you. Allah doesn’t need you. You need Him.
Astaghfirullah to yesterday, Alhamdulillah for today, Insha Allah for tomorrow.