Ya Allah, grant me sabr deep in my heart.
Ya Allah, grant me sabr deep in my heart.
Ya Allah, grant me sabr deep in my heart.
Hold on to your Salah, because if you lose that, you will lose everything else.
May Allah Ease our suffering and reward us for our Patience. Jummah Mubarak
Say Alhamdulillah and let’s be grateful for the blessings in our life.
Appreciate what you have before time forces you to appreciate what you lost.
Never feel your sin is too huge for you to seek forgiveness.
Never be jealous of something someone else has. It could be their test.
The day you lose hope in Allah’s mercy is the day shaytān has won.
When life is tough, PRAY. When life is great, PRAY.
The Quran teaches us to ‘Speak Good to People’ not just Muslims.