99 Names

68 - As-Samad الصَّمَد



The meaning of the name is: The Perfect Lord & Master Upon Whom All of the Creation Depends


Al-Samad is an Attribute of Allah whose linguistic meanings include the following: the ultimate goal, the obeyed Master without Whose command nothing can happen, the Support of those who need to be supported, the One to Whom all matters are referred, the One to Whom all issues are rendered and regarding which nobody else decides, the One to Whom pleas are directed. A-Samad is approached to grant the pleas and is pleaded to make wishes come true. He is the Master sought during the time of need. Arabs describe a household as Samad if people go there in the hope of fulfilling their worldly needs.

As-Samad In The Quran

ٱللَّهُ ٱلصَّمَدُ Allah—the Sustainer ˹needed by all˺. Al-Ikhlaas : 2

<67. Al-AhadAll
69. Al-Qaadir >