99 Names

61 - Al-Mumeet اَلْمُمِيتُ



The meaning of the name is: The Inflictor of Death


Al-Mumeet, the Almighty, decrees death for whomsoever He pleases; none causes death except He. He has subdued His servants by death, causing them to go back to the earth from which He had created them and to be covered with dust... Al-Mumeet has caused the heart of sinners to die because of going against His will. He is the Creator of death. He has caused the tyrants to die out of His mercy for the living. He causes the oppressors to die on account of their disrespect for Him. He causes the land to die, rendering it barren, free from vegetation, then He brings it back to life when it produces. He brings to life His Sunnah by causing His prophets to inherit it from their predecessors, and He causes the death of innovations through the life of knowledge. Once the Messenger of Allah performed the hajj then stood over the safa, overlooking the House, the Ka`ba. Then he made three takbeers saying, "There is no god except Allah, the One and only God; there is no partner with Him; His is the kingdom; to Him is all Praise due; He brings to life and causes death; in His hand is all goodness, and He can do anything at all."

Al-Mumeet In The Quran

وَأَنَّهُ هُوَ أَضْحَكَ وَأَبْكَىٰ that it is He who makes [men] laugh, and weep, An-Najm : 43

<60. Al-MuhyiAll
62. Al-Hayy >